
Boda Boda Rider Charged with Robbing Businessman

A boda boda rider has been charged in court with robbing a businessman of two mobile phones worth Sh75,500.

John Ngumbu Kanyi is accused of robbing Jacob Onyango of the phones on July 1, 2023, in Tena estate in Nairobi’s Eastlands area.

The prosecution alleges that Kanyi confronted Onyango and demanded payment, falsely pretending that he had offered him transport services. Kanyi then allegedly robbed Onyango of his phones.

Onyango reported the incident to the police, and Kanyi was arrested a few days later.

Kanyi has denied the charges, and he is set to appear in court again on August 1, 2023.

The case has highlighted the need for caution when using boda boda services, as there have been a number of cases of boda boda riders robbing their passengers.

The police have urged members of the public to be vigilant when using boda boda services, and to report any suspicious activity to the authorities.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
