
Blind “prophet” charged with rape of sisters

After spending a week at the residence of one of his followers, self-declared prophet Jacob Wekesa has discovered himself in an awkward situation.

The Legion of Mary adherent is currently being tried for sexual offenses in a Nakuru court after making claims that he can diagnose women’s reproductive health issues with his spiritual sight.

Despite his denials, the court convicted him guilty of raping his host’s two daughters.

If the prosecution’s case is accepted by the court, the man of the cloth is battling to avoid a potential lengthy jail sentence.

His troubles allegedly began on January 1st, when he went to the residence of one of his adherents, Ms. Sarah Atieno, in the Njoro sub-county to offer prayers.

She welcomed him and offered to host him for a while in her home, which she shared with her two grown daughters. On January 5, 2023, the 66-year-old is accused of sexually assaulting the two women when he was a guest at the home.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
