Bien Aime is not the hero we want but he is the hero we deserve
Image: Bien Aime BarazaAll of Kenya’s celebrities with the exception of Bien Aime are virtue-signalling cowards. And what is interesting about the article I am about to submit for your viewing pleasure will be the type of thing that will rub him the wrong way. But honestly, the truth has to be said in plain language.
¨I am no longer interested in attending weddings!¨ Bien Aime to his ´haters´
Sauti Sol’s Bien Aime is the only artist with the stones to actually make a political statement that bears the risk of offending a large section of his fanbase but this act speaks to his conviction.
And the subject matter that he chose to speak upon touches on something that just a few weeks ago had inflamed the angst of so many Kenyans online and especially celebrities.
Kenyan celebrities talking about American race issues is hypocrisy
The Daily Nation had run a news piece about how the Kenyan police have been putting in a hell of an effort in outpacing Covid-19 when it comes to deaths, with them unlocking the unsightly achievement of a 5 month high in deaths occasioned by police brutality.
And this actually betrays the cowardly mentality of Kenyan artists and celebrities who would rather speak up about the ills afflicting people in a faraway land rather than people in Kenya. Kenya has its own troubles. So it is interesting to see people complain about problems abroad.
‘Serves you right!’ Sauti Sol’s Bien Aime tells Kenyans after Tekno failed to deliver during his concert
That is not to say we are meant to be disconnected from the suffering of others but from where do Kenyan celebrities draw their moral authority to complain about police brutality abroad when we have the same in Kenya.
Why Size 8 getting saved left Sauti Sol’s Bien Aime bitter and disappointed!
One such example of a Kenyan celebrity who spoke out about the George Floyd incident is Jua Cali and the reason I have selected him as my example is that he was the best out of the rest. He spoke about nonsense from across the ocean, in the land of milk and honey but hasn’t spoken about what is happening in Kenya like Bien Aime BUT he is still involved in changing lives in Kenya:
But perhaps this speaks to the success Sauti Sol has enjoyed because they are at a point where people angry about Bien Aime speaking about the truth cannot affect their money.
Whatever the case may be, Bien Aime is the hero we deserve, not the one we want.
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