
Betty Kyallo reveals some of the issues that forced her to separate with Dennis Okari

Image: Betty Kyallo

When Betty Kyallo and Dennis Okari split, everyone had a different tale to tell but no one really knew what happened between these two journalists.

However, speaking to True Love Magazine, Betty for the first time shed some light on why her marriage to Dennis Okari did not last as expected.

From what she revealed it is easy to say that the KTN’s news anchor was not happy in her marriage due to the small small things that were happening between her and Okari.

In her interview she also mentions that Dennis Okari’s family was also involved in her breakup but what forced her to walk away are some of the hardships she had faced throughout her relationship but after realizing that she had gotten married for the wrong reasons she chose to walk away.

We also learn that Betty Kyallo was stood up by Dennis Okari during her traditional wedding (introductions) and shockingly Okari did not pick her calls when she tried reaching him and at some point he switched off his phone leaving Betty and her family stranded after inviting friends and family to their ceremony.

She opened up to say;

“I needed to find out what time their entourage would arrive. But he did not pick up my call. I tried calling him again after an hour and once again it went unanswered.’”


Betty went on to add that her parents tried to contact Okari, again but their calls went unanswered too.

“At 3PM, when we tried to call again, all their phones were off. By the time the sun was going down, it was obvious that I had been stood up on my traditional wedding.”

After this incident her family tried to convince her that her relationship with Okari would not work but the lady was in love and wanted to continue inspiring most of the young people that were looking up to her.

However with time she accepted that the marriage would not work and walked out on Okari – leaving the public to speculating on what had happened until just recently when she opened up about her life.

About this writer:

Pauline Syombua

Content Developer IG: Kermbua
