Beef explained: Rayvanny romantically linked to Harmonize’s mzungu mother-in-law
Rayvanny and Harmonize allegedly have been beefing on the low for months now. This is after Harmonize learnt about Vanny Boy’s relationship with his former mzungu mother in law.

Apparently Rayvanny has been trying to find a way to date the old lady; who is also said to own several casinos in Dar Es Salaam – so you can imagine how wealthy she is.
With all that money and no man share it with – Rayvanny apparently offered himself to Sarah’s mum; hoping to enrich himself life Harmonize did while married to Sarah Michelloti.

Gold digging the Michelloti’s?
However things got out of hand after Rayvanny bluntly leaked his videos with Paula Kajala; the daughter of Harmonize’s new aged girlfriend.

This move was apparently aimed to help kill the ‘whole buzz‘ surrounding Harmonize’s new relationship with Kajala; only for him to land in trouble for hanging out with a minor.
According to blogger Original East, Rayvanny is and has not been in love with Paula Kajala; but is using her as a cover up to avoid people finding out about his relationship with Mama Sarah Michelloti. Talk about gold digging.
Anyway as for now, all we can do is watch from a distance since this new drama keeps getting messier by the day. So, is that why Harmonize wants Rayvanny to be charged with rape?