Beef brewing between Pregnant singer Nandy & Zuchu over multimillion deal? (Voice note)
Ooh its been a minute since we saw some drama from bongo land and thanks to Esma Platnumz netizens are back to snooping around Tz entertainment news.
Well, having come across her (Esma) voice note this morning – honestly my day hasn’t been the same…like people out here are wilding and problem is – everyone is acting like its normal…ama niko Dunia ingine?
Anyway enough on Esma Platnumz – I’m sure she’s still cuddling the wild man that recently gave her a taste of heaven. That is from what she said on the audio currently circulating online.
Also read:

So back to Nandy and Zuchu. Well word making rounds in social media is that Nandy and Zuchu are currently beefing over a certain deal from Guinness TZ. However not quite sure why since we all know Zuchu apparently turned it down because of her religious believes hence leaving room for another top female artist to step in.
Jealously or pettiness?
Well since word has it that Zuchu was Guinness Tz first choice and not Nandy – there’s now an audio of the pregnant singer seeking help from Influencer/ gossip monger Mwijaku asking him to help kill the rumors.

Judging from Bongo 5’s reporter – apparently Nandy wanted wachafue tarnish Zuchu image and brand her a liar…which is kinda weird since we all thought they’re friends. Wait…wasn’t Zuchu among those who celebrated Nandy on her wedding day not forgetting the friendly messages? Who saw it coming?
Anyway…good thing is that at least with all that bad blood…these two ladies are clearly running showbiz business in Tz with their music.