Bahati’s former protégé Weezdom confesses the shocking crimes he committed during his life as a thug
Bahati guided and supported Weezdom as he started his journey in music. The young gospel singer was a criminal before he turned over a new leaf.
Bahati was Weezdom’s mentor before he got rid of him because of his association with Willy Paul – Bahati’s fiercest enemy.

Weezdom recently let out the skeleton in his closet during an interview with Mzazi Willy Tuva on Citizen Radio’s Mambo Mseto.
Bahati’s former protégé revealed that he used to be a criminal who sold bhang and transported firearms for other thugs.
“Nilikuwa mhalifu….niliuza bangi…nilishiriki wizi sana. Nikiwa na sare za shule nilisafirisha BASTOLA kwa bag ya vitabu kutoka Korogocho, Mathare hadi Eastleigh. Nimeshuhudia marafiki zangu wakiuliwa kwa uhalifu! BUT NOW AM CHANGED. AM A BETTER MAN, NOT A BITTER MAN.” – WEEZDOM shared his shocking and inspiring story of his life on Mambo Mseto .
The young gospel singer also talks about his life in his song ‘Better Man’ featuring Guardian Angel. Weezom reiterates that God changed him to be a better person.