
Bahati smokes bhangi to celebrate nearly achieving a decade in entertainment

Kevin Kioko Bahati, CEO of Eastlands Most Beloved Records, has been a musician for ten years.

In order to demonstrate how hard he works, Bahati released a number of images taken in his studio to mark this significant occasion.

As he urged his admirers to write him personal messages regarding his artistic development, he was also smoking something.

“Nawaskiza! Feel Free to Advise… I’m almost Marking 10 Years in the Game! What Do You Love about Bahati and What Do You Hate about Bahati ??? Let’s Ch@t .. Let’s be Honest!”

The star was warned by anti-drug activist Stivo Simple Boy, who has sung a song cautioning against drug abuse.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
