
Bahati Hurls Unprintable Insults At Shebesh And Sifuna For Terming Him Young & Incompetent For Mathare MP

Award winning musician Kelvin Kioko, known to most as Bahati, has refuted the claims that he’s stepping down from the Mathare MP race after it was alleged that the singer was termed young, incompetent and a cry baby.

Bahati has clapped back at the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) Secretary General Edwin Sifuna and Rachel Shebesh after alleging that he had had stepped down in favour of MP Anthony Oluoch.

He hurled unprintable insults at both of them on his social media with a detailed statement;

 ”#MY_STATEMENT And so because it seems this Sifuna and Shebesh have been paid by my Loosing opponent to Spread Propaganda let me answer them here. First and Foremost You Two Don’t Speak on Behalf of My Party Jubilee. ( I WANT TO CONFIRM THAT I BAHATI KIOKO I AM STILL ON THE BALLOT AS THE NEXT MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT MATHARE CONSTITUENCY UNDER THE JUBILEE/AZIMIO TICKET)… I would like the Public and the People of Mathare to Know that the polls were done and they All Know that Bahati is leading both on Polls and on Ground. For the Last One Week They have Been telling my Opponent to step Down but anasema bado Mimi ni Kijana Mdogo Nimu Hurumie; and Because I have Stood Firm on my Decision- Today they have chosen to Lie and Spread Propaganda! I AM A LOYAL SUPPORTER OF BABA THE 5TH AND IF THIS AZIMIO TEAM NAIROBI LEADERS DON’T WANT THE YOUTH TUAMBIENI TUJIPANGE!!!

LET THIS BE CLEAR!! I Will not be intimidated, I have not Stepped Down, I will Not Step Down and on the 9th of August Mathare is Voting Out Stranger’s. Watu Wa Mathare Watapigia Kura Mtoto Wa Mathare!!!”
The Mathare MP hopeful is among the few artists who have engaged in serious politics and seem to be on the winning end.

About this writer:

Dennis Elnino

Content Developer Email: [email protected]
