Babu Owino shows off his Karate skills
Image: Embakasi East MP, Babu OwinoBabu Owino is a jack of all trades. The Embakasi East Member of Parliament holds two degrees from the University of Nairobi with one being a degree in Acturial Science and the other being a degree in Law.
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On top of this, he has been credited with helping digitally tutor Kenyan students during the confusion that was occasioned by the Covid-19 lockdowns as education ground to a halt and some of the students that performed well thanked him for his role in their success.

So to say he is a smart man is an understatement. But what few know about Babu Owino is the fact that he is a Karateka. And a damned fine one.
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While it is unclear just how long he has been training, he shared a video of himself taking on a sparring partner and he put paws (and feet) on him. Check out the video below:
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