
Azziad Nasenya’s manager, Peter Kawa, talks about her rise to fame and her dedication to her craft.

Azziad Nasenya is one of Kenya’s most popular content creators, with over 1.5 million followers on TikTok and over 500,000 followers on Instagram. She rose to fame in 2020 after videos of her dancing to Femi One’s hit song “Utawezana” went viral.

In a recent interview with Phil Director, Azziad’s manager, Peter Kawa, talked about her rise to fame and her dedication to her craft. Kawa said that he first met Azziad in 2017, after she joined a group that he led. He was immediately impressed by her enthusiasm for acting and her natural talent for performing.

In 2018, Kawa drafted a contract outlining his role in Azziad’s career. He began encouraging her to create content, and they embarked on their collaborative journey.

Azziad’s passion for TikTok and Instagram fueled her rise in 2020. However, with newfound fame came numerous challenges. Kawa recounted finding her overwhelmed, bombarded with thousands of unread messages and enduring online trolling.

“Her phone had over 50k messages unread. She would go offline but would still get people would troll her on WhatsApp. Some would even add her to groups just to troll her and then remove her. That is when I took over the management role officially.”

It was at this point that Kawa formally assumed the role of Azziad’s manager. Together, they took measures to protect Azziad’s well-being, providing her with a new phone and a new SIM card.

Kawa emphasized that success does not happen overnight and noted Azziad’s unwavering ambition to become a superstar, a dream that materialized unexpectedly quickly.

“We simply organized and utilized available resources to support her. She is incredibly diligent and treats everyone with equality. She is blessed and devoted to prayer.”

Kawa is grateful for the opportunity to work with Azziad and is confident that she will continue to achieve great things. He said, “She is a force to be reckoned with, and I am excited to see what she accomplishes in the future.”

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
