
Aww! Diamond and Tanasha´s love story juices up

Image: Diamond and Tanasha Donna

If you think any scandals were brewing up between Tanasha and Diamond, relax! The love script has just began.

Through his Insta stories, Diamond who is away on scheduled performances, shared a tear-jerking clip that cannot explain better how much love can make one do.

A man with an arrow shot right through his heart, walks up to his lover´s home and she comes running, baffled at the sight of the man she loves, right before her.

To our disbelief, the woman runs right through the same arrow that is stuck in her lover´s heart and they bond. The man is taken aback and they savor their last moments together.

To juice up the clip, Diamond´s hit ¨African Beauty¨ perfectly plays in the background.

That is Diamond´s post and right below, he tags his newest baby mama, Tanasha Donna.


Well received his message is and Tanasha who is also away, and in Kenya, shares exactly the same clip with her name tagged below.

Take a look:

If that is not confirmation enough, what is?

About this writer:

Gloria Katunge
