
Atheist president Harrison Mumia reveals why he’s offering cash reward to KCSE students who scored ‘E’ in religious studies

Atheists want to Christians and Hindu faithful to risk eternal damnation with their cash reward. The non-believers are offering cash reward to 2017 KCSE candidates who scored ‘E’ in religious education.

Atheists in Kenya want the government to abolish religious studies in schools. They have gone a step further to reward under-performers in religious studies just to make a point.

“We are offering a token of KShs 10,000/= to students who SCORED GRADE E in religious studies (CRE/ HRE/ HRE) in the just concluded KCSE (Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education)! Click here to APPLY! >>> https://atheistsinkenya.com/token/ TAG a KCSE student that you know!!!” Read a statement issued by Atheists in Kenya.

god’s towering ego

Atheist president Harrison Mumia says he strongly opposes Christian notion about God and heaven. He is baffled why god would let Christian slave on earth so that they may live forever in heaven praising him.

“I totally do not believe in the Christian notion of what heaven is, or that a supreme god would deliberately create Satan, create Hell, create humans flawed so they’d sin, then need God to fix it for them — forcing them to be his slaves on Earth in order to win salvation (heaven) — then sing & praise him to soothe his towering ego for all eternity. #atheism,” wrote Harrison Mumia.



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Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere
