
‘Ata Ukue Mtamu Aje Huezi Jikula’- Akothee Pens Letter Of Advice To Single Mums

Being the ‘President of single mums’ , Akothee never seizes to speak her mind to her fellow single women; especially those struggling to raise their children.

Having raised her kids mostly by herself, Akothee is a guru when it comes to giving life experience as a single parent; even though her baby daddies have been alive all this time.

Akothee kids and names - How does the songstress handle her kids? ▷  Tuko.co.ke
Akothee and her children=Google

In a long Instagram post, she scrutinizes the nooks and crannies of single-parenting;

”A letter to All single mothers , divorced, separated, desperated

1. Pain is inevitable ,you will never enjoy happiness if you haven’t felt how it feels being unhappy.
2.Honesty is the best policy. Be kind enough to yourself and accept that you are going through a challenge…
3.Never compare your family with others. We all broke our relationships with different reasons; we all dated different characters from different backgrounds, ethnic groups and races, we can never be the same. Comparison is a thief of joy…
Don’t panick if you can’t save a peny ,you are investing in your children , this is one of your biggest investments embrace it ????
5. CO_OPARENTING- Never rejoice ,it’s never easy to share a platform with someone you don’t give goodies anymore , especially men ,never or have a problem with moving on, they wish you couid onjesha them kidogo. Do this at your own Risk ,hurt yourself more , sleeping with a baby daddy you ain’t living with anymore is suicidal…
6. DATING : date my friend… Before you introduce a man into your childrens life ,do a background check.
Hata uwe mtamu Bamba gani huwezi jikula ???????? ”

About this writer:

Dennis Elnino

Content Developer Email: [email protected]
