
Another one! Sauti Sol´s Chimano´s latest fashion trend gets Kenyans talking

Sauti Sol band member, Willis Chimano has left Kenyans lost after his recent controversial dressing code.

Call it what you´d like to. But it´s just confusing. Just yesterday, the singer-songwriter shared a photo of himself clad in high-waist flare pants and a nose ring.

He seemed cool with it taking couple poses dressed in the pants. Because for him, the bigger the pants the “wider” the legroom! However, his fans don´t seem cool with it, if anything, perplexed!


Well, that was a one-day affair and we let it go. But woe unto us! He stepped out in another today.

The fashion guru has rocked similar pants, but white for today, with a different design set. He definitely seems to be loving his new look and we are not sure for how long we can take it in.

The singer lightly poses:

@monoxrome_ : How many pants do you want
Me: Yes
One more for the culture!



There has been a series of mixed reactions from his followers and fans airing:

Omg omg you look so damn dapper ????????


Now U can sneak in alcohol ????????


Damn???????????????????? this drip is too much for my eyes????
I love those ????
Imebaki tuu tumbo alafu uweke that troza 2nd floor and pap tuko na Pepe kale the 2nd????????????
Finally! Things I can also steal from your wardrobe. There is a God oooooo
Your pants are life
Soo dope I want those pants !????????
???????????? fuck it I want them in all colors available. Life’s motto
Those pants ????????????????
Ushapotea kijana wetu ????????????
Drip????????,love the pants
Haayyyy! Another color. God is indeed great.
Chimano ???????????????????? bring me one ????????????.. Chimano Pepe Kale

About this writer:

Gloria Katunge
