
Annitah Raey is 100% right about time wasting men

Annitah Raey has gotten back onto my radar and I am rather pleased to say that once more, we are speaking on the same wavelength, therefore, are in complete agreement.

‘Hakuna ku-dilly-dally’ Annitah Raey’s advise to men sliding into her DM

I am ofcourse, referring to the most recent video she shared on her YouTube in which Annitah Raey is explaining to men that she is tired of all the nonsense. She is tired of all the pussyfooting and dancing that men do under the misinformed assumption that this is “game”.

Annitah Raey
Annitah Raey gives great advice to men sometimes

She explained that rather than dilly dally with stupid questions in her DMs, why not just come right out and directly tell her what you want? Be it casual sex, a relationship or to waste her time. Whatever your mind is set at, it makes more sense to be upfront and save everyone the time and grief.

‘Shindwe’ Annitah Raey takes a swipe at broke men trying to cheat on their wives

I would, however, advise that you ensure you look the part. Why? Because such a high-risk high reward approach, while sensible, is only feasible if you are a top tier man. That is because what Annitah Raey has left unsaid is the fact that this strategy plays on attraction. That is to say unbridled arousal.

Annitah Raey
Annitah Raey speaks on real issues very often including single motherhood

You see, she like every woman has a “type” of man who she will break all of society’s conventions. She has the type of man for whom she is willing to throw away her long laundry list of demands and wants.

Annitah Raey is right, Kenyan men are cheap

That means that if you’re a fat man, a man who is still trying to find his way in the world then Annitah Raey’s advice is not for you. It would damn you. It would be a pitty for you to take this advice only to end up calling it false yet it is what has helped countless of your betters.

Annitah Raey
The ex-Hot 96 presenter quit in spectacular fashion.

So what is a man to do you ask? if you’re still working on yourself you shouldn’t even be thinking of a woman’s warmth. Your focus should be entirely on yourself. As for Annitah Raey, you should be thanking the stars for her insight. You should actually be subscribed to her show because I doubt you have ever heard a woman speak this honestly to you before.

Annitah Raey is right about single mothers and child support

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
