
Anita Nderu Weighs In On Banning Of Gay Students From Boarding Schools by Magoha, Says She Supports LGBTQ Community

The debate on gayism has roped in different reactions from netizens on whether it should suffice among students in boarding schools. Education CS Prof. George Magoha sparked controversy after directing that students engaging in homosexuality be barred from boarding schools; and not everyone seems to agree with him on the paramount issue.

Tv girl Anita Nderu is one of the celebrities who has strongly disagreed with Magoha on his statement, defending gay students and adding that they should get equal treatment & opportunities.

Anita Nderu’s Statement

In a detailed post on her IG, the recently married TV girl wrote to show support of the LGBTQ community stating that Magoha’s statement is discriminatory;

Showing solidarity with my beloved LGBTQ+ community today. I regret I couldn’t make it to the march that happened this morning but I’ll never cease to support the movement in every way I can as an ally????️‍????

A petition has been delivered to the Ministry of Education; addressed to the CS in regards to disallowing students to attend boarding school due to their gender identity????️‍????

We all have a right to education! The injustice behind the recent decision by the Ministry of Education is discrimination.

We need more awareness & education pertaining to the community as opposed to creating laws as a result of ignorance; propaganda, entitlement or silence from the non oppressed. Students torching schools needs to be investigated as opposed to finding a scapegoat in order to avoid addressing the issue.

We shine in so many aspects as a country but refuse to accept basic human rights????️‍????,” part of her statement read.

The petition is currently under scrutiny and it’s only a matter of time before a judgment is made.

About this writer:

Dennis Elnino

Content Developer Email: [email protected]
