
Andrew Kibe talks about a traumatic event he had with his father.

Former radio presenter Andrew Kibe has revealed a childhood experience that left a lasting impact on him, shedding light on how his father’s actions affected him emotionally.

He recounted how he harbored resentment towards his father for a particular routine: upon returning home from work, his father would sit on the sofa and expect him to remove his socks.

“There is something my dad used to do that I detested; he would come home, sit down, and make me take off his socks,” Kibe recalled.

He described feeling traumatized by the situation, questioning why his father would make him perform this task, especially when he could put on his socks by himself in the morning but insisted on having them removed in the evening.

Even now, Kibe admitted that the memory remains vivid in his mind, illustrating the profound impact it had on him despite the passage of time.

Netizens chimed in with their own perspectives, sharing how they related to or interpreted Kibe’s experience:

Some users expressed fond memories of similar interactions, viewing it as a cherished opportunity to bond with their fathers.

Others delved deeper into the psychological implications of such experiences, highlighting how childhood trauma can manifest in adulthood, impacting emotional well-being and relationships.

Overall, Kibe’s revelation sparked introspective discussions about parenting styles, emotional trauma, and the lasting effects of childhood experiences.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
