
Andrew Kibe is right about Azimio attracting criminals

Andrew Kibe decided to share his take on the ongoing Maandamano Mondays protests that Raila Odinga had called his political supporters to take to the streets to protest a number of issues, chief of which is the high cost of living and the amount of taxes we are expected to pay.

Kibe accepts he is a broken man

The main problem with the Azimio brand of demonstrations is the fact that they always attract criminal elements who take advantage of the chaos to commit crimes. Be it robbing people long after dusk hits and the protests are over or breaking into stores and looting or attacking other vulnerable members of society, this mess is an issue.

Andrew Kibe has shared the plight of a Somali businessman who has a supermarket in Kisumu and the residents there attacked his business. He isn’t a big chain store, his is a simply “Mom and Pop” store and the residents attacked his store even if he isn’t from the perceived “enemy community”.

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And this is heartbreaking because he narrated how this affects his family directly as he doesn’t have much. His entire life’s investment was in his business and in under 10 minutes he had completely been wiped out.

And Kibe is right, these criminals cost Raila Odinga a lot of support. People associate his movements with criminal elements. That is why there is often little sympathy from across the political divide when his supporters get killed.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
