
Andrew Kibe already planning a huge comeback!

According to Andrew Kibe, a Kenyan content creator, YouTube will lose its dominance in Africa to his yet-to-be-launched new platform, “Yafreeka.”

The sudden closure of Kibe’s YouTube channel, which he claims to have anticipated and afterwards used as a catalyst for change, prompted him to write these lines.

Kibe claims that instead of giving in to hopelessness, he took proactive steps to make sure that his material and influence would thrive in the digital sphere.

Kibe expressed an unrelenting resolve on his different social media platforms, making it clear that nothing, not even death, could stop him from achieving achievement.

The announcement of Kibe’s switch from YouTube to Yafreeka has generated a lot of discussion online.

Fans from all walks of life have been outspoken in their support, with many expressing excitement for the debut of the new platform.

Kibe himself was compelled to respond to the responses, saying,

“Kibe is the best, the whole story has been trending the whole day. People have been saying I will go and wash old grannies. We have been waiting for this day. Kucancelliwa a YouTube channel is that news? They had not employed me. It doesn’t make sense. I now have my own platform, Yafreeka. By Friday, we will be going live on that platform.”

Beyond achieving personal achievement, Kibe’s objective is fundamental. He is an outspoken supporter of Kenyan content producers taking control of their own destinies and developing their businesses on their own. He insists vehemently,

“Let’s build our own thing so that we can be our own watchmen. How can they dominate us? That I cannot say what I want to because people will get offended.”

As he continues, the former radio host demonstrates an unrelenting dedication to his profession and the freedom it affords him.

“I will never stop doing this unless you find a way to kill me, Ata kama nitabaki na watu wawili. I will whip you daily.”

Because of a breach of the terms of service of the app, Kibe’s YouTube channel was blocked. Fans and detractors alike expressed shock and joy over the closure of his well-liked account, catapulting Kibe to the top of Twitter trends.

About this writer:


My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
