
Amira turned into a laughingstock by hubby Jimal weeks after he begged to have his family back, she reacts

Okay by now I am pretty sure if Jimal Rohosafi was running for any parliamentary seat in Nairobi – I can bet you wamama hawatamvotia.

Yes, I can bet it on my life that Jimal Rohosafi is also among the most disliked men on social media – but problem is – he doesn’t really care about how you feel since he benefits from making most of y’all mad.

Jimal Rohosafi with Maembe ya msimu

Well, still asking how he makes women mad at him on social media? Mmmh, I’m thinking it’s because he has decided to make the most out of making his wife miserable on social media. I mean the guy is ready to drag his wife in whatever dirt just to keep himself relevant and if you thought he had embarrassed Amira enough….you thought wrong!

Jimal back to embarrassing wife

You see, a few weeks back he begged his wife to take him back by writing a heartfelt apology and for a minute, I promise – I felt he was real….but men can life…yaaani Jimal karibu alie and today he is back to embarazzing his wife.

Jimal and wife, Amira

Incase you haven’t heard….the fella just nominated his 3 women – the side chick one, the other woman and the kept for Real Housewives of Nairobi….and yes for a minute we all went like damn…he must have some bøllz of steal…right?

I mean who does that?

Okay, it’s not like we didn’t really expect him to be that petty…but I can’t help but wonder how is he someone’s Pilar or strength? Ama they focus more on the money than the man…cause ain’t no way a woman will entertain such pettiness.

Anyway responding to husbands nomination for the reality show…Amira reacted by writing;

But why do I feel like they’ve been playing us?

About this writer:

Pauline Syombua

Content Developer IG: Kermbua
