
Amerix: the man injecting sense into Twitter

Amerix is one of the most interesting people on Twitter (I think they are referred to as tweeps) that you should probably make a point of following. Why do I endorse him so resoundingly? Well, because there is a dearth of common sense online (apart from here, with me).

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He is a man who tweets on behalf of men making some rather astute social commentary and observations that are geared towards helping men strive for better. Yes, Amerix posts health tips, he talks about improving one’s physique but more often than not, he talks about the one area of men’s lives that dominate their thoughts; relationships.


And as one could expect, his tweets do not endear him to feminists, and trollops who often engage in trading insults with Amerix -which is the one part of his online persona that can stand to change.

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You see, men and women have almost adversarial interactions and intent when it comes down to coitus. And this is wisdom Amerix has experienced for himself. Men want to smash and keep it moving. Women on their part want to trade coitus for commitment and resources. That is how we evolved.


Amerix points this out and because it is an indelicate biological and social truth, feminists are quick to attack him and call him things like “ugly” and ask him inane questions like, “who hurt you?” outside of the usual variations of calling someone stupid.

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But all this makes for an exciting engagement on social media. For me as a casual observer, I am greatly entertained when he has his #Masculinity Saturdays and he shares things that I grew up being taught were common sense but then I see people who clearly had not idea about them.


And what about you? If you like drama, if you like explosive conversations and if you can see through the garbage and sift to the gems, then you would doubtless enjoy Amerix. So why not give him a quick follow and check him out?


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About this writer:


My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
