
Ameletwa Juu! Vanessa Mdee accuses boyfriend, Juma Jux of cheating

Tanzania´s current hottest couple, Vanessa Mdee & Jux might not be in such good terms as Mdee accuses boyfriend,  Jux of cheating.

Tanzania´s current hottest couple, Juma Jux and Vanessa Mdee

Photo Courtesy

The Sisikii singer, Jus, has been forced to publicly respond to his girlfriend´s cheating allegations.

What ignited the flames?

Juma Jux happened to post a video on his Instagram account of Miss Tanzania 2017, Julitha Kabete, who was singing to his latest release.


In case you Don´t Know, was a collabo between the Tanzanian R&B singer and Kenyan rapper, Nyashinski.

On social media, fans reacted with all sorts of comments and so was Jux’ girlfriend, Vanessa Mdee.

Your Type

The two cryptic words are what she left Jux with, on his Instagram post.

Although the singer later on got rid of her comment, Jux seems to have been coerced to issue a statement remitting himself from the allegations.

Sio kila msichana ninaye mpost kusupport kazi zangu ni msichana wangu, nawapost kwa sababu wanaonesha upendo tu, hakuna hata msichana mmoja niliye mpost nina mahusiano naye.

The bongo flava artist seemed quite disturbed and had to articulate:

No one.

Stop what you´re doing.

He stood his ground.

The duo, Mdee & Jux got back together in January 2018, after they broke up for a period of 6 months, due to cheating allegations.

Tanzania´s recording artist, Vanessa Mdee and boyfriend, Juma Jux

Credit: Mpasho

December 2018, Vanessa forcibly denied rumors that they split up once more after fans noticed they were hardly spending as much time together as they used to.

This is especially, after they got back together.

The couple is known for ´Juu´, a song the two released and that many appreciated.



About this writer:

Gloria Katunge
