Amber Ray shares biggest lesson she learnt from losing her best friend
Image: AmberSocialite Amber Ray recently lost her best friend Sally aka Empresal, something she now refers to a big wake up call on the importance of appreciating life while still alive.
Days after the funeral the socialite is back to her old posting days and if you thought losing BFF Sally was going to help her tone down the her freaky lifestyle; then guess what – it actually made her worse.

This is because Amber says she now see’s life from a different angle; and unlike before when she lived life according to people’s expectations – this time around everything will be on her own terms.
My biggest lesson from losing someone close to me is; You cannot lose what you didn’t have in the first place. A life lost is life itself reminding you that even though you are also on your way out, you are still here! I am still here! Now I will live like I have never before because I know now that I will one day be gone and in time forgotten by most.
Amber Ray – life is for the living
Her new decision to live life to the fullest is not new since we all know her slogan ‘life is for the living;’ that was dropped during her fight with Amira.

But come to think of it, has Amber ever lived by the rules? I mean, she’s a mum to a teenage son and still posts nudes… Anyway to conclude her post, Amber wrote;
In the meantime, nitawasumbua in ways even I don’t yet understand. But first, let me get my skin back on track ????…. I will live even for those who cannot. Good morning world..