
Ambassador Meg Whitman Explains Reasons Behind Visa Denials to the US

US Ambassador to Kenya Meg Whitman has provided insights into the reasons behind the denial of visas to the United States of America for many individuals.

In remarks made on Wednesday, Whitman emphasized that while there have been instances of error, the majority of visa denials have been justified. She underscored the cautious approach taken due to the significant number of individuals who harbor harmful intentions toward the United States.


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“We do refuse visa applications, and while we may not always be correct, our decisions are largely justified. Consider this: there is a considerable desire to enter the United States, but among these aspirants are individuals with malicious intentions. These could include terrorists, money launderers, individuals who have previously violated visa terms, or those with expired Green Cards who attempt re-entry,” Whitman explained.

She stressed the necessity of vigilance due to the existence of individuals wishing harm upon the United States, albeit being a minority. Whitman emphasized the importance of thoughtfulness in the visa adjudication process.


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Whitman, responding to a query from a concerned Kenyan during an interview with Citizen TV, affirmed that the visa issuance process has always been conducted fairly. She reiterated their commitment to ensuring the entry of suitable individuals into the United States.

Recalling the 9/11 hijackers, Whitman highlighted the gravity of the responsibility placed on visa officers, emphasizing the lasting impact of allowing individuals with malicious intent into the country.

“We strive to maintain fairness while also ensuring that individuals with no ill intentions are permitted entry into America,” she concluded.

Ambassador Whitman’s explanation follows grievances expressed by some Kenyans regarding visa denials to the US.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
