
All routes to State House have been blocked off, with no access allowed

All roads leading to State House have been closed off, with police officers stationed to control traffic and prevent access.

Several roadblocks have been set up, restricting both motorists and pedestrians from entering the area. Officers, equipped with batons and firearms, have established a blockade near State House Girls’ School.

Processional Way is also closed near Serena Hotel, and access to State House from Argwings Kodhek has been blocked near the Chinese Embassy. Additionally, entry to the town center is restricted at Silver Spring Roundabout.

“This is a secured area. We are not allowing any access today,” a police officer informed Star journalists.

Police and military trucks are stationed near the State House fence, and the roads are notably less congested.

About this writer:


My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
