
“All of a sudden she wrote cancelled online” Bridget Achieng explains why Tanasha Donna bailed on attending Nai Fest

Tanasha Donna apparently is back to her old ways where she ignores what is expected of her  when it comes to her music career. Not once but twice have we heard ‘people’ complain about her lazy character; and unfortunately this is the same move she pulled during the preparations of the Nai Fest.

Having cancelled the event last minute; socialite Bridget Achieng recently revealed that the Miss Donna did not attend any sound check; nor did she communicate with the Nai Fest officials before cancelling the show.

Also read: Bridget Achieng speaks after failed ‘Nai Fest 2020’ that left fans stranded, hurt and robbed

As seen in a question and answer session on Bridget’s page; one fan went on to inquire why Tanasha never showed up to the event – to which Bridget responded by saying;

she changed our deal last minute, hakuja sound check, all of a sudden I saw she wrote cancelled online… But we are good she will be there next time, no bad blood


Achieng’s post

Tanasha Donna in coast

Although Tanasha already has a big name in the entertainment industry; some of her fans feel that she makes moves that leave her looking unserious when it comes to music.

Not quite sure why but all we can say is that she doesn’t really put in effort like the likes of Nandy, Nadia, Victoria Kimani and other big names in the industry.

Also read: Bridget Achieng should stop playing the blonde socialite trope

Apart from her songs with the Wasafi brothers…Tanasha has not made any big moves that can confirm that she is serious with her music – and now that fans are starting to see this, we cannot tell how long she will survive in this industry.

Tanasha Donna

But looking on the brighter side, at least she cancelled this to travel to coast where her alleged millionaire boyfriend lives.

About this writer:

Pauline Syombua

Content Developer IG: Kermbua
