
Akothee’s sister: Why grandiose engagements are a terrible idea

Akothee’s sister, a lady by the name Cebbie Kokeyo recently got engaged and her now fiance really pulled all the stops for his lady love. The man in question, a doctor by profession, decided that he wanted to put the world on notice about not just his love for Cebbie but also his capacity as a provider.

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Akothee’s sister, Cebbie, a lady probably accustomed at this point of living in her sister’s shadow now is the talk of town and with good reason. She is well on her way to getting married and starting a family and for once, she isn’t in Akothee’s shadow.


That said, however, I would like us to focus on Juspus Gentry, her fiance. So let us set Akothee and Cebbie aside momentarily. And focus on my argument that these grandiose engagements are a horrible idea.

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Juspus is a man in love and men tend to love romantically. That often translates in them fully throwing their entire being into the relationships they get into -atleast during the first few days, weeks, months and years of their relationship.

akothee's sister

However, this situation is bad for any man worth a damn. And this is for three obvious reasons. I want us to look at the reasons and divorce our emotions from the motion:

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First, such displays of ostentatious wealth always bring about the scrutiny of the taxman and no sane person wants KRA looking at their affair.
Justus’show of love for Akothee’s sister was meant to be an earnest display of affection. However, it could very well result in the taxman looking with a keener eye at their personal businesses. Any businessman would tell you this is not an ideal situation.

akothee's sister

Secondly, such loud announcements put everyone on notice. That always comes along with the added pressure of having to deal with people’s opinions. And while at this point in time this doesn’t seem like a huge deal, whenever celebrities really need privacy, they are denied it and marriages are filled with great moments and crappy ones like every other situation in life.
And when you want some privacy to deal with an issue, you will be denied it because you welcomed netizens into your personal lives. And if the marriage suffers the fate of falling apart… Things will get worse for both the parties involved.

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Thirdly, and finally, this is a form of buying affection. It is going to have the effect of training Justus’partner, Cebbie to please him with the implicit promise of a reward. You see, Justus is showing that he is more than willing, he is infact able to give a reward for behaviour he finds pleasing. He is buying affection and that is not how you want to ground your relationship.

akothee's sister

The only foreseeable payout would be if the couple are narcissists and this has raised their public profile. That is the only way anyone would argue that the rewards of grand engagement ceremonies outweigh the detriments.


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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
