
This how Akothee turned Germany upside down during Easter with these naughty photos

Akothee is currently gallivanting in Germany and this is after she turned the whole place upside down.

She had a couple of shows lined up across the country from Frankfurt to Berlin which were all full to capacity. Just what charm is akothee using on all of us?

Also read: Inside the multi-million mansion Akothee built in her home area of Migori…calling it a palace would an understatement(PHOTOS)

Mind you she has other shows lined up for Copenhagen and other places in Europe so we’ll be looking out for that.

Akothee being Akothee however, you surely didn’t expect her to just explore Germany without causing any ruckus now did you?

Of course not..she painted the town red by posing in this seductive photo shoot next to a Hummer.

Check her out here:





About this writer:

Irari Ngugi

Lover of life, lover of big boobs and certified celebrity squasher. Catch me if you can on facebook as Irari Ngugi
