
Akothee shows the medication she’s taking to help her conceive a baby

Akothee has shared a video in which she shows her fans the medication she is taking in a bid to boost her chances of conceiving a baby given her advanced stage in life where she is literally the demographic of women for whom geriatric pregnancy is a reality.

For those of you who are unaware, she has announced that she wants a child by her new husband and she is clearly serious about delivering on that promise but… Her body is past the prime age of childbearing.

So what exactly is a geriatric pregnancy that has Akothee not only shook but is probably what led to her multiple miscarriages? Well, “advanced maternal age is associated with certain pregnancy-related risks. Being “at risk” causes anxiety and concern, which older pregnant women try to ease by being as well-informed as possible. This may be overwhelming to some women due to the large amount of information available.”

And for one to be considered a geriatric pregnancy, they need to only be 35 years old at the time of conception. A study’s findings confirm a negative impact of extreme maternal ages on pregnancy. These results should be carefully taken into account by maternal care providers in order to inform women adequately, supporting them in understanding potential risks associated with their procreation choices, and to improve clinical surveillance.

Check her medication out below:




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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
