
Akothee reveals she never wanted to move to her husband’s house

Image: Akothee with lover

Renowned Kenyan musician and entrepreneur Esther Akoth, better known as Akothee, has urged single mothers to prioritize building their own assets, emphasizing the importance of financial independence and self-reliance.

In a heartfelt message shared on her Facebook page, the 43-year-old artist highlights the empowering influence of owning a home, a car, and other tangible assets. She asserts that these possessions provide a woman with a sense of control over her life, granting her the freedom to navigate her own path without relying on others.

Akothee eloquently states, “A woman who owns her house knows where her heart is. A woman with her gate knows where her mind is. A woman with her car knows where she is going. She can go at any time, she can also come back at any time.”

She further encourages single mothers to prioritize their own well-being and financial security before seeking validation from others. “Single mothers, this is the only way to earn respect not only from men but also for yourself,” she emphasizes.

Drawing from her personal experiences, Akothee advises single mothers to prioritize building their own homes before venturing into other pursuits. She recounts the challenges faced during her own marital breakdown, emphasizing the importance of financial independence.

“Before you take a loan to build your own business, build your house first, soul. Let the blood run wild, love later,” she advises. “Don’t you see that I have been left with a house of pigs, pigs, chickens, and the rest? If I were to live with him? What would I leave with if not only the freedom bag?”

Akothee encourages fellow single mothers to learn from her experiences without blindly imitating her lifestyle choices. “People, don’t imitate my ways of life but learn from my actions,” she urges.

In recent days, Akothee has rekindled her friendship with her manager Nelly Oaks, a testament to her resilience and her ability to navigate life’s challenges while maintaining strong connections.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
