
Akothee Ready To Sire 3 Children With Her Mzungu Boyfriend (Video)

Love is blind, as some may put it. And there’s always something negative that turns you off on the person you love but you’d rather ignore because of how deeply you’re in love with them.

Akothee has been through that path. And she has experienced love both locally and internationally. Her current boyfriend, monikered Omosh, has been giving her endless gushes and it’s needless to say, they’re overwhelmed with their newly found love.

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Akothee In Love Once Again

The interesting fact about Akothee is she’s ready to give birth to more children; not one, not two, but three more. Well, we’re not sure if she has already hit menopause, but she’s willing to give her mzungu boyfriend (Omosh) three kids.

According to Akothee, Omosh requested to have 3 kids with her. And she’s willing and ready to grant him that wish.

Akothee already has 5 children in her household. And adding another 3 would make them 8. But there’s still doubt on whether she’s saying the truth or just bluffing.

Watch her full interview below;

About this writer:

Dennis Elnino

Content Developer Email: [email protected]
