
Akothee: Kenyan gospel industry is full of pretenders

Singer Akothee is a controversy queen. It’s like everyday Kenyans wake up to find an eyebrow-raising post on her social media platforms.

She recently took to her platform to share how the gospel industry is fake saying that most of the artists focusing on the genre are pretenders. It’s not a new thing to see gospel singers finding themselves in ungodly controversies.

Couldn’t do gospel music

Akothee also shared some rather surprising history about her career in the post stating that she started out as a gospel singer but switched back to secular because of the fakes.

 “People reminding me of church Am I the one holding the church key ? Don’t you know that I was the best soloist in my church ! Do you know that the church choir would feel empty in my absence? & the day I miss church everyone would know that mama vesha was not in church today! Do you know why I stopped gospel and went secular?” she said in her Instagram post. 


“It’s because I could not keep up with the hypocrisy, the moment I got divorced , the entire church members I knew, family friends etc , turned their back on me, none of them or their wives wanted to associate with me ! Preachers used my family status as an example to preach in church !gave me all kinds of names because they heard the story from one side ! No one wanted to associate with me ! Rejection is poisonous , that’s why most people mistake my attitude towards life for arrogance ????, Mimi ni msabato, sijabeba kifunguu ya kanisa yenyu wewe enda church ongea na Mungu wako, hatakuuliza dhambi zangu.”

She added:

“The world shaped me this away ??, don’t come to my wall expecting me to correct or raise your children for you ? I was raised without internet but I still messed up , don’t hung your children’s misbehaviours on celebrities, we won’t stop living our lives just because of the name Role model ! Unfollow anything that is not inspiring ! The button is right on your finger ☝if you can’t keep up unfollow pap , if you are addicted accept and embrace , if you are jealous get something better to do with your life we also have healthy competition! E.g. competing with the you yesterday. ???” 

About this writer:

Pauline Syombua

Content Developer IG: Kermbua
