Akothee and baby daddy coparenting sons in toxic environment
Image: Akothee with son and baby daddyAkothee’s life is just interesting. Judging from the stories she tells – one would think her life is something like a movie. I mean the 41 year old mum of 5 has 3 baby daddies but only one out if the three is the responsible one.

Forget about the Kenyan one, but let’s call him baby daddy A. His girls are already grown and working courtesy of their mum. Well the other two baby daddies are European and unfortunately – dad to her eldest son (baby daddy B) still remains bitter about her.

Apparently for the years they have been coparenting it’s been like a drug dealing exchange where he (baby daddy B) drops his son and step son (son to baby daddy C) at a certain place where she then picks them and drops them to the other baby daddy (C.)
Determined to make it work
Well…judging from the way some ladies are set up I’m pretty sure they’d have already given up on the coparenting – if this how they’d do it. I mean they’re kids, not product….why not make it a blended family already?

Which also leaves me wondering why Akothee also puts up with the guy if he is hard to handle…but again – just like any mum I bet it’s just another sacrifice she is making for her son since he didn’t sign up for such parents.
However true…Akothee is a woman of steel yaani nikupambana na situation venye inacome.