Akothee advice to her daughter about money and love is better suited for her sons
Akothee recently gave her daughter, Rue Baby advice on relationships and what she said essentially amounted to “chase money, don’t chase love” and while on the surface this seems like smart advice, I am of the opinion that the contrary is true if she wants her daughter to get a stable marriage to a high-value man.
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You see, while she has the best intentions for her daughters and given her history steeped in poverty before she made some serious money through her marriages to some mzungus and so she knows what poverty exposes women to.

Perhaps her advice is from the fact that she knows that being married to a man simply because you love him is not enough as her first husband fit this bill. Whatever the case may be, we all can agree that Akothee has her daughters best interest at heart but this is the type of advice you give your daughter only if you do not care for her happiness or her ability to fulfil her evolved desire for a family.
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The very last line of her speech is a troubling one indeed because it sounds like she is telling her daughter to go for a man with money when she says,
“It is better to cry in Dubai than laugh in Kanyamkago”
But we shall address this later. For now, I chose to assume she was not advising her daughter to prostitute herself to sate her hypergamy. So let us move on with that in mind.

Akothee, like any mother, would like to see her daughter achieve independence but when biology comes into focus, the truth is that women who often pursue their careers do so at the expense of a family and children.
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You see, nature itself doesn’t care to be politically correct and more often than not, it defecates on the notions of third-wave feminism. that is why even on an animalistic level, with a rare few exceptions of outliers, double standards occur fairly regularly along gender lines. So for example, assuming a Rue baby, Akothee’s daughter who received the advice, is currently 22. Were she to pursue a career anywhere other than at her mother’s companies, she would only be peaking into the lowest tiers of management in her late twenties/ early thirties. From there, she would have to dedicate a crazy amount of hours to her work in order for her to rise up the ranks. She would probably start breaking into middle management and the higher tiers in her late thirties (if her ascendancy is fast-tracked) or mid-forties.

Here I am assuming her trajectory mirrors that of her male counterparts. And while there is nothing wrong with dedicating your life to your career as a woman, men do not have the burden of bearing children bestowed upon them by nature. Only women do and even then, they are only given a short window of opportunity to do so and have healthy, complicated pregnancies and children.
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So assuming Akothee gave her sons the same advice, they would flourish as they would first focus on getting themselves established before seeking romantic partners with whom to start a family with. The best advice she could give is to tell her daughter to ensure she is a top tier woman. That means she ensures she is feminine and immerses herself in the world of high-value men. She should also tell her daughter to be discriminating whom she chooses to date or have relations with as a high body count is a legitimate turn-off.
She essentially needs to teach her daughter to be fit, feminine and cooperative.
Now let us get back to the very last statement Akothee said. It felt like she was advising her daughter to get a rich man as she would prefer to cry in Dubai that laugh in wherever that remote corner of Kenya she mentioned is in. Unbridled hypergamy will lead to her daughter’s misery because it shall never be sated and the partners she will end up with will punish her for her greed (which they will pick up on subconsciously) knowing all too well she is only with them for their money. Akothee should ask her fellow female celebs who employed this strategy why they are single and searching in their forties.
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