
Akorino Controversial Relationship Takes New Turn as they dump girlfriend

The Akorino trio that took Kenya by storm in 2022 with claims that they were all in a relationship and that Emily was carrying their child has taken a new turn.

Peter, Teddy, and Emily made headlines in 2022 when they claimed to be in a polyamorous relationship and that Emily was pregnant with Peter’s child. However, the whole incident turned out to be a publicity stunt after Peter admitted to being the father of the child.

A year later, Peter has dumped Emily for another woman named Nancy. Emily has accused Peter’s new girlfriend, Sly, of being a homewrecker. However, Sly has denied the allegations, claiming that she met Peter four years ago and that they only recently got back together.

The latest development in this saga has sparked a debate on social media, with some people accusing Emily of being a gold digger and others defending her.

It remains to be seen how this story will unfold, but one thing is for sure: the Akorino trio has certainly kept Kenyans entertained.

“Haikosi hick up we took a break. I think during that break is when Peter met Emily. She got pregnant for him. I had nothing to do about it and unfortunately, they lost the baby. My consdolences, sielelwi mbona anasema nilinyanganya. 

Ainipata nikiwa na yeye. Actually, hatukuwa exes, tulikuwa tuu tumepeana break. During that process ndio wakapatana. So saa hizi tumerudiana and I don’t see any problem about it.

Hawakuoana, coz me si kuona wedding sijawahi ona pete kwa mkono. come we stay is not a amarriage. Hiyo si marriage, ali gate crush tuu into a relationship and hio period ndio akapata ball, so mimi sioni tatizo. This was my man tulipeana break.

Hapo kwa stori ya mtoto wa Governor, he was just trying to set standards. Mi si mtoto wa Governor. Yes niko na pesa, but I am managing. Nimejieka poa, nina manage.”


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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
