
After their breakup, director Trevor reveals why he was unable to collaborate with Eve Mungai

Image: Mungai Eve and bae, Director Trevor

Trevor emphasized that, despite the split, they maintained a professional relationship as agreed upon in discussions with Eve’s parents.

“We didn’t break up yesterday as many people assume, or to split up. The parents are aware, we’ve already had a meeting with Eve’s parent, and we agreed that we are not in a relationship but we still work together, and it’s been fine, and we even agreed on how we’ll run the business,” he explained.

However, the collaboration came to an abrupt end when Eve breached their 50/50 agreement regarding revenue distribution from their joint brand, covering platforms such as YouTube, Instagram, and others.

Trevor alleged that Eve sought a larger share of the profits, citing her role as the face of the brand.

“We had a 50/50 agreement… (but) Eve felt she does not deserve 50 per cent yet she is the image and the whatever of the brand, so she wanted more,” Trevor recalled.

The breaking point occurred when Eve, who managed the brand’s Instagram account, argued that the platform generated the majority of their revenue in 2023, implying she should have greater control over profit distribution.

Trevor believed that Eve overlooked the collective effort behind the brand, reducing it to individual platforms.

“For me, I felt she was forgetting the fact that… this (brand) is something we both built… and there is a way we should treat it as a business,” he stated.

Trevor also disclosed that Eve suggested buying him out of the brand, a proposal he found infuriating given his integral role in its creation and development.

He dismissed Eve’s offer, questioning her ability to afford a buyout, especially considering the brand’s substantial monthly earnings.

“I wouldn’t even want to hear her offer because I know she cannot afford it. How much would she be willing to pay me for a brand that generates approximately Ksh2 million a month? You cannot buy something from me when you don’t know its value,” Trevor emphasized.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
