
After divorcing Ben Pol two years prior, Anerlisa Muigai gets engaged

Image: Monied Instagram personality, Anerlisa Muigai

Over the weekend, Anerlisa Muigai surprised her fans by announcing her engagement to her long-term boyfriend, Melvin Ibrahim.

Known for her discretion when it comes to her personal life, the wealthy entrepreneur once again kept details of her relationship under wraps.

Melvin is the manager of Apex Automotive, a Nairobi-based car dealership specializing in importing vehicles from Japan, the UK, South Africa, and Australia, as well as trading in locally used cars.

Speculation about their engagement started swirling after a lavish celebration hosted at Anerlisa’s parents’ residence in Naivasha.

Adding to the intrigue, Anerlisa’s parents, Nakuru Senator Tabitha Karanja and businessman Joseph Karanja, invited prominent figures from the political arena to commemorate their daughter’s engagement.

The event saw the presence of notable personalities, including nominated senators Tabitha Mutinda, Esther Okenyuri, and Hamida Kibwana, all elegantly attired for the occasion.

Senator Mutinda took to social media to share glimpses of the festivities, capturing the joyous atmosphere and the radiant smiles of the guests.

Anerlisa’s mother stole the show in a stunning long pink Kitenge outfit with accents of jungle green, exuding grace and elegance.

The news of Anerlisa’s engagement prompted an outpouring of congratulatory messages from Kenyans, celebrating her happiness.

Despite the excitement surrounding the event, the Keroche heiress has chosen to remain tight-lipped about the details.

Anerlisa’s engagement comes two years after her divorce from Tanzanian star Ben Pol in 2021, following their equally discreet engagement in 2018.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
