
Adhiambo video vixen demands 4 million Kshs from Bahati

A video vixen who appeared in Bahati’s hit song “Adhiambo” is demanding Sh4 million from the musician for unpaid work.

Brenda Otieno, who spoke to YouTuber Nicholas Kioko, said she was supposed to be paid Sh100,000 for her appearance in the video, but she has not received any payment.

Otieno said she has been trying to contact Bahati and his management team to get paid, but her calls and messages have gone unanswered. She also said that Bahati has blocked her phone number.

The video vixen said she is now seeking legal action to get paid. She is also demanding that the video be taken down from YouTube until she is paid.

Bahati has not yet responded to Otieno’s allegations.

The song “Adhiambo” was released in 2021 and has since garnered over 22 million views on YouTube. The song features Kenyan celebrities such as former Starehe MP Jaguar, Embakassi East MP Babu Owino, and comedian Terence Creative.

Otieno’s case highlights the issue of exploitation of video vixens in the Kenyan entertainment industry. Video vixens are often promised payment for their work, but they are often not paid or are paid much less than they were promised.

This is a serious problem that needs to be addressed. Video vixens are workers and they deserve to be paid for their work. Bahati and other musicians need to be held accountable for their actions and they need to pay video vixens what they are owed.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
