
Adawnage band sued by own member, lose case

Adawnage has for a long time been a mainstay of Kenyan gospel. This is especially so when you think of Kenyan gospel that isn’t about showbiz or the razzmatazz that comes with courting media attention.


So you can imagine the surprise that hit us when we realised all was not well within the band and one of its members, Roseline Mwihaki had sued the band for her royalties and successfully won the case.

In an interview granted to Nation Media Group journalist Sinda Matiko, she explained that her issues with the band started when she chose to divorce her husband, a man who was close friends with most of the bandmates as he was their childhood friend.

From that point on, her share of the royalties the band earned weren’t remitted to her. Thus began a long feud that culminated in legal action that was ultimately decided in her favour. The lawsuit was filed back November 4, 2021.


Last week, principal magistrate Caroline Cheptoo Kemei, sitting at Milimani Magistrate Commercial court, consented to all the seven plaints filed by Kaki. And in her ruling, she said,

“The plaintiff has demonstrated her contribution to the band since inception. The plaintiff has proved her case on a balance of probability and this court enters judgment in her favor,”

Her lawyer said moving forward, they are going to seek court orders to compel the band to compensate her.

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About this writer:


My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
