Actress silprosa reveals how much she weighs leaving fans worried for her health
Silprosa is proud of the woman she has since become. Speaking to Jalang’o a few days ago, the stunning lass opened up revealing unknown details about her private life.
For instance not many knew that she was defiled at the age of 9 years; and despite having to carry all that baggage around – she chose to embrace herself!
As seen on the comment section from Jalang’os interview with Sandra Dacha; many fans went on to relate with her story while others chose to use this to inspire themselves and others.
Silprosa reveals her weight
Anyway as much as she has touched many with her story Silprosa recently went on to reveal how much weight she weighs; leaving fans worried and shocked for her health.
According to the lady, she weighs a whooping 123kg and is happy about it. However what she may fail to understand is that with such weight; one is exposed to heart related illnesses, diabetes among other life threatening illnesses.
Yaani 123kgs pekee yake inashinda mtu mzima kuinua

With such a revelation Silprosa also attracted mean comments from fans. One went on to compare her weight to that of a cow; but looking at the clap backs he received… I’m pretty sure he took back everything he said.
Well, it’s also up to Silprosa to know whether she wants to lose her weight; or will continue maintaining her current body.