Actress Brenda Wairimu shares stunning photos rocking a buibui and you will love her new look!
Image: Brenda WairimuBrenda Wairimu has left fans wondering whether she changed her religion – moments after she shared photos dressed up in a Buibui.
Well, not really. Dressing up in ‘Dera’s and Abaya’s’ has become more of a fashion trend among most Kenyan women and Brenda Wairimu was just glammed up for a Swahili TV series she was featured in.
She shared the photos through her Instagram page attracting comments from most of her fans who are looking forward to seeing the premier of #Subira.
Anyway, the photos shared on her social media pages are a clear indication that she would look good in any type of clothing. For the longest time she has always been spotted in decent clothing and this time around Brenda Wairimu definitely gave us something to admire.
Anyway, the actress is currently planning to settle down with her boyfriend, Juliani who is renown gospel artist. Checkout her photos below: