
Activist Boniface Mwangi Calls on President Ruto and Deputy Gachagua to Declare Wealth and Tax Returns

Activist Boniface Mwangi has called on President William Ruto and his deputy Rigathi Gachagua to declare their wealth and tax returns publicly.

Mwangi made the remarks after President Ruto and Mr. Gachagua shared photos of themselves filing their tax returns at the Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) headquarters in Nairobi.

During his visit to the taxman, President Ruto stated that KRA should facilitate the smooth and efficient payment of taxes by deploying a simple, transparent and convenient system for all Kenyans, backed by the best technology available.

On his part, Mr. Gachagua noted that the Head of State had led by example and urged all Kenyans to follow suit by filing their Tax Returns on time as required by law.

In response to their visit, Mwangi tweeted, “You @rigathi and @WilliamsRuto should make your wealth declaration and tax returns public if you mean business. Anything short of that is just public relations. All the leaders of the free world where you borrow money make their wealth public. Leadership entails true transparency.”

Mwangi’s call comes amid growing public scrutiny of the wealth and financial dealings of Kenya’s political leaders. In recent years, there have been a number of high-profile corruption scandals involving Kenyan politicians, and many Kenyans are demanding greater transparency from their leaders.

By calling on President Ruto and Mr. Gachagua to declare their wealth and tax returns, Mwangi is hoping to shine a light on the financial dealings of Kenya’s political elite and hold them accountable to the public.

It remains to be seen whether President Ruto and Mr. Gachagua will heed Mwangi’s call. However, if they do, it would be a significant step towards greater transparency and accountability in Kenyan politics.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
