
Abel Mutua’s brother reveals more details about their youngest brother’s suicide

Since Abel Mutua revealed the passing of his youngest brother Raphael—a football star who was renowned by those who knew him—controversy after controversy has swirled.

Abel did not disclose the reason for his baby brother’s death when he announced the premature death of the 23-year-old. He continued by saying that the young man had a stopwatch in his pocket that was programmed to go off at the moment when he was supposed to have got up and stopped things, and that was why he was asked to go retrieve his brother’s lifeless body.
He did not, however, disclose the cause of their brother’s death in the original report.

However, Jesse, their other brother—younger than Abel but older than Rapho—took to social media to disclose that their brother had committed suicide.

Jesse (also known as Luku Baridi) hinted that Raphael had tragically committed suicide in a post honoring his brother.

Jesse posted a photo of a beaming Raph posing for a picture at the edge of a football field. captioning the image, an agonizing In a long passage, Jesse seemed to be criticizing his younger brother for giving up on life when things were becoming good.

Jesse chastised Raph for causing his own death in a heartbreaking, tearful post, and he begged his brother to swear that in the next life, he will not only be better than he was, but also do better.

“My friend and brother,It was a pleasure I must say…

We have had very many memories both good and bad
Infact kidogo Abeli na philo wakufanye ukue mtu wa arsenali,nikakuita kando Nikakushow hao majamaa hata vikombe hawanaga,na tukakubaliana tunacheza na Manchester United, n you followed me to the latter atleast umeona tukibeba premier league na UEFA,ungefuata Abel ungetii…

Whenever u fucked up as well, since u never experienced motherly love,while the rest of the family members were all married…I was the one who was tasked with all responsibilities as your big bro since we used to live together at the time, na pia Ukileta upuzi nilikua naamua tunakula Ugali na Kamande mpaka nione umekaa vile inafaa Ndo now I get to introduce ka Nyama mahali..na ilisaidia to some extent cz mathe was worse..hyo alikua anafungua mlango na flying kick akitafta makosa…Bahati mbaya apate tu vumbi kidogo kwa ceiling hyo siku tutafraaahia

The day I received those devastating news of your departure,and was tasked to come wth policemen to collect your lifeless body,I couldn’t help buh remember that frst day I received you as a new born baby..what we’ve gone thru in life Al the plans we had kwanza Ile inanikatsia ni vile ilikua ATI umalize shule tuwekelee diploma ya survey juu ya fridge cz hutambui hyo course alafu sasa tuanze kutafta akina producer Eric Musyoka cz u were big on music as well na nkakushow hao watu wote tunajua ata ukitaka king kaka tutamtafta aku guide,ata khaligraph Ako speed dial and I couldn’t believe Al those plans have gone down the drain..ata ningejua utasonga at this age tungeanza hyo mziki vile nlikuchukua pale masaba hospital vile ulizaliwa..ukijifunza kuongea unajifunza pia guitar concurrently atleast ukue ume accomplish your dreams..apo nlikuangusha..

That Journey from Nairobi to Katangi where u were seemed like a flight from Tanzania to Australia..it was horrible and I kept asking myself what if we’d hv agreed on one or two items,would it hv atleast procrastinated this pre mature ceremony frm being held on Friday..Only God knows!!

Let’s meet on Friday nxt week…
Yours truly!

About this writer:


My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
