
Abel Mutua has proven to be an extraordinary storyteller

Abel Mutua needs no introduction. He has been on our screens for as long as most of us can remember. He started off as an actor on Tahidi High before joining the crew and later leaving to produce shows for KTN and Maisha Magic.

Also read: Kenyan online comedians and the significant role they have played during the pandemic

However, all this time he has had a skill that very few people, if any, knew about and that is the gift of telling stories. Chances are most of us would never have know if it were not for the disruption that was caused by COVID-19.

Abel Mutua

You see, the pandemic brought almost everything to a standstill and it also affected the film industry because they could no longer go for shoots and whatnot.

This meant that people like Abel had to find a way of keeping their audiences entertained and make some money and that is when it dawned on him to start a YouTube channel where he has been telling Kenyans all manner of stories, from his life experiences to celebrity encounters. You name it.

His YouTube channel has grown rapidly over the past few weeks because he tells stories like no one else can. Someone even joked in the comments section that he can sell you a piece of stone and you will buy it.

Abel infuses humor in his stories and his narration is so vivid that you almost feel like you were there when those things were happening. You can literally picture it as it unfolds. To add to that, you easily relate to some of the things he’s saying.

Abel Mutua during his Tahidi High days.

Without a doubt, he is one of the people who has kept Kenyans on the edges of their seats during these trying times so much so that some of them take to social media to complain when he does not upload an episode in time and we thank him.

About this writer:


My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
