
A year after his death, the cause of Costa Titch’s death was eventually discovered

Just over a year since South African artist Costa Titch tragically collapsed and passed away in front of a large audience, his mother Lara Langeveld has shared that she has found some closure.

This closure came after receiving the autopsy report conducted by pathologists, which provided detailed insights into the circumstances surrounding the musician’s sudden death.


Costa Titch’s Mother Alleges He Was Poisoned

In an effort to dispel rumors circulating on social media, including speculations about drug use, poisoning, or epilepsy, Titch’s family decided to share their findings with the public.

According to the statement released by the late Titch’s family, the post-mortem examination revealed significant strain on Costa’s heart, compounded by enduring stress and fatigue. This strain likely led to an irregular heartbeat, triggering the seizure that ultimately claimed his life.

Costa Titch collapsed while performing at the Ultra Music Festival at the Expo Centre in Johannesburg on March 11. Despite medical attention, he passed away after collapsing twice on stage.

In an interview with Tshisa LIVE, Costa Titch’s mother emphasized her desire to preserve her son’s legacy and address misconceptions about his lifestyle.

“My priority was to find out what caused my son’s death. Society judges musicians based on their appearance, and people thought my son was using drugs. I know Costa detested drugs; we were very close. He loved children and would never have wanted them to believe he was involved in drugs. That was not the message he wanted to convey,” Lara expressed.

Lara also acknowledged that her son’s extensive travels to “25 countries in one year” may have contributed to his health struggles but found solace in knowing that he passed away while pursuing his passion.

“He lived his passion. It’s difficult for me, but I know he loved music. I have to come to terms with this. It provides me with some closure. It also puts to rest the rumors about drugs and other allegations because he truly was not involved in that,” Lara candidly shared.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
