
A state witness in the murder case of a deceased DCI cop is DJ Joe Mfalme.

In response to a letter dated April 5, 2024, from the Director of Public Prosecutions, DJ Joe Mfalme is slated to serve as a state witness in the murder case implicating Kabete Police Detective Felix Kelian.

The DPP’s letter recommends the inclusion of DJ Joe Mfalme as a witness among the seven respondents in the case.

Furthermore, the DPP has formally charged Allan Ochieng’, the first respondent, with the murder offense.

Allan Ochieng’ is scheduled to face these charges at the Kiambu High Court on Monday, April 8.

Stay tuned for further developments as the situation progresses.

About this writer:


My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
