
A Nyamira woman beats her husband’s head for allegedly being unfaithful

A clan elder from Manga in Nyamira County is currently undergoing medical treatment at the Kisii Teaching and Referral Hospital after his wife allegedly used a hammer to strike his head. During the night altercation in Nyaboterere village, the 50-year-old man also lost his left eye, which has been surgically removed due to irreparable nerve damage.

Doctors explained that the nerves in the eye were severely damaged, necessitating its removal. The wife had initially accused him of having extramarital affairs, leading to a heated argument that escalated into a physical fight.

“She had recently accused me of dating women and that I was depleting our family income on them, accusations that are base and false,” he told journalists from his hospital bed.

The situation intensified when the man decided to sell part of his land and deposit the money to cover tuition fees for their children in university and colleges. The wife became suspicious, leading him to withdraw the cash and bring it home in a box.

“It appears she could not take it in that I had banked the cash for our children and instead begun going around accusing me falsely among my children that I had taken it to concubines,” he explained.

In an attempt to ease tensions, he brought the entire amount of Sh260,000 home and handed it to his wife. However, he suspects that this action may have triggered the violent attack on his life.

Now facing potential long-term paralysis due to the injuries, the man appeals to well-wishers for financial assistance for his children, as the wife escaped with the money. Authorities are actively pursuing the woman in connection with the incident.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
