
A look at 50/50 partnerships and Wilbroda’s reasons for not being pressured to get married again

Image: Actress Wilbroda

Veteran actress turned radio presenter, Jacquey Nyaminde, popularly known as Wilbroda, has disclosed the essential qualities she deems necessary for considering remarriage. Addressing inquiries about when she plans to remarry and disregarding societal pressures regarding her age, Wilbroda emphasized that she wouldn’t be rushed into marriage.

In a conversation with Lynn Ngugi, Wilbroda highlighted that her son is a top priority in her life as she contemplates settling down. She expressed the desire for a man who would serve as a positive role model for her son, imparting valuable lessons that she might not be able to teach.

While acknowledging that her son already has a father figure, Wilbroda emphasized the need for a man who could be his friend and mentor. Regarding relationships, she emphasized the importance of starting as friends, stating that feelings may fade, but friendship lasts forever.

Being religious, Wilbroda expressed a preference for a partner who shares her spirituality. She emphasized the significance of an open-minded individual with whom she can engage in discussions about the Bible.

Another quality she desires in a partner is a willingness to travel and explore new places, as she considers herself a passionate travel enthusiast. Wilbroda wants a partner who shares this passion.

In terms of roles and provisions in a relationship, Wilbroda humorously mentioned, “I will bring the milk, but I won’t take on all the responsibilities. For example, if we go out for lunch, I might suggest that you buy the drinks while I purchase the food.”

Despite having specific criteria, Wilbroda acknowledged that she is open to learning and unlearning as she discovers additional traits from her potential partner as their relationship progresses.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
