
A girlfriend from heaven: DJ Fatxo celebrates love

Image: Dj Fatxo

DJ Fatxo is celebrating the love of his life who has stood by him. It was his birthday on the 25th of April and he decided to break his social media silence with a defiant self-appreciation message. He wanted the world to know he is appreciative of his trip around the sun and he wasn’t ever going to let the hate get to him.

Meet the woman standing by DJ Fatxo

His girlfriend was there cheering him on and he was very appreciative of the fact with them having a rather sweet exchange between themselves about the gift he would be receiving from her and whether he needed to invite her deputy to present the gift.

Police hint at not having adequate evidence against DJ Fatxo

DJ Fatxo is a suspect in the mysterious death of Jeff Mwathi, an interior designer and entrepreneur he had employed for a gig at his office before they went out partying to celebrate the business deal.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
